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The Misconception of Job Hopping: It’s Not Just the Worker’s Responsibility


Title: Debunking the Job Hopping Myth: A Shared Responsibility

Published by Rich Rosen on January 7, 2023

As we find ourselves amid one of the most bustling Decembers in my extensive 26+ years of recruiting, the future remains uncertain. However, one undeniable fact stands out – the hiring market continues to thrive. Sales representatives specializing in quality solutions are still sealing deals and reaping the rewards.

Admittedly, there have been significant layoffs, largely driven by year-end cost-cutting measures. Companies are sunsetting product lines and trimming excess, shedding the burden of thousands of redundant positions across all levels. It’s disheartening that even highly capable individuals fall victim to these layoffs, often due to the negligence of overburdened managers who fail to analyze the data at their disposal.

The crux of the matter is this – if you’re in search of talent, the market isn’t as bleak as it might seem today. For those in a hiring position, it’s time to shift your perspective. Instead of obsessively scrutinizing candidates’ past missteps, focus on their accomplishments and strengths.

It’s an unfortunate reality that the average salesperson tends to stay in one role for roughly 14 months. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in the tech sector, especially among individuals with a hunter and builder mentality who are drawn to the startup world.

Can we truly blame a sales representative for:

– Being misled
– Facing territory cuts while dealing with increased quotas
– Navigating multiple leadership changes
– Confronting product or installation failures
– Struggling with financial setbacks
– Adapting to changes in sales strategy
– Witnessing company acquisitions
– And the list goes on…

Sales reps should certainly strive to demonstrate how they’ve overcome these challenges and what they’ve learned along the way. However, there are instances where it simply doesn’t make sense to stay in a situation that offers no incentives for growth.

Hiring managers, it’s time for a reality check. The days of employees staying with a single company for their entire careers are long gone. For startups, is a 20-year Oracle or IBM veteran truly the ideal candidate? For growing companies, why not take the time to understand the motivations behind candidates’ job changes before discarding them based on outdated criteria? You might be pleasantly surprised, witnessing both your team and your career flourish as a result.

Let’s be pragmatic and abandon the overly ambitious job descriptions. The quest for a sales representative who has excelled in multiple startups, consistently exceeded quotas, and is willing to accept an average salary with below-average commissions is setting unrealistic standards. Instead, focus on a candidate’s potential and the value they can bring to your organization.

In conclusion, as we navigate the evolving job market, let’s embrace the diverse experiences and skillsets that candidates bring to the table. By embracing change and reevaluating our expectations, we can achieve more successful hiring outcomes, fostering a brighter future for both organizations and job seekers.

And remember, we’re a great place to work, incredibly flexible, and don’t even care if you’re a righty or lefty, as long as you’re the right fit for our team.

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